The Consumer Electronics Show that’s opening in Vegas this week has some exciting things in store for technophiles. From fitness-gear which is one of the big themes, to smart home appliances that will make everyday chores less dreary, the grand exhibition has something for every kind of client.

High-end fitness gear products are a hot favorite at every CES show, and this one’s going to be no exception. Technogym is offering an update on its treadmills by exhibiting one that plays a personalized soundtrack. The music will be linked to the user’s running speed, synchronizing the rhythm of songs to the number of steps being taken per minute. It’s the perfect complement for the Spotify app, which does the same thing for outdoor joggers.

Taking the treadmill experience a step further, iFit will be presenting a machine that’s fitted with a 1.52m curved OLED screen. It’s great for an ‘out of gym’ experience; using data from Google Maps, the treadmill will give you the simulated experience of running in exotic locations of your choice without the hassle of actual travel.

Mom’s are going to love the new fridge Samsung is planning to introduce. The ‘peep-in’ appliance features a camera-fitted 21.5 high-definition touchscreen on the door, displaying temperature, humidity, and all the food that’s inside. No kids now need to stand with the fridge door open, deciding what exactly they want to eat.

French start-up firm Digitsoles has solved the problem of bumping into things in the dark. Their new Smartshoe, besides counting steps and having a toe-warming system, is also fitted with a built-in torch lamp.

And while you’re on your feet, Acton, the producer of the popular Rocketskates, wants you to look at its latest electronic skateboard, The Blink. With a speed of up to 12mph, it can be controlled either through a handheld device or synched with a smartphone app.