There’s an old saying, “Rule a Kingdom as though you were cooking a small fish – don’t overdo it!”

It’s a fine line between perfectly cooked fish and fish that’s been overcooked. In general, fish takes between eight and nine minutes to cook per inch of thickness (though to be sure we recommend checking at six to seven minutes). A la Rose is a term used to describe fish that is prepared from rare to medium-rare. Certain types of fish, like tuna and halibut can be served medium-rare, meaning the inside will remain firm and not flake along the lines.

Let’s check out some of the methods of cooking:


Baking is one of the most popular methods of preparing fish. Baked halibut steaks with cheese and cream, or baked tuna casserole are just a few examples of what you can accomplish with baked fish. Season the fish with just about anything you like before popping it in the oven, and be sure to let the dish sit for a few minutes after pulling it out.


Thicker and fattier fish, like salmon, tuna, and swordfish make for great grilling. Make sure your grill is super clean and brush some oil onto the fish before placing it on top. Once on, let it sear until it’s time to flip. Alternatively, you can also put a sheet of foil on the grill and cook the fish on top of that, but be sure not to cover the grill as the fish is cooking as the cover will entrap the smoke and end up overseasoning the fish.


Honestly is there anything better than deep-fried fish? Maintaining the oil temperature is vital to achieving that crispy texture when it comes to frying fish. Deep-fried fish is normally battered before being fried in oil at 375-degrees for four to five minutes. Be sure to let it rest for a few minutes after pulling it out of the fryer.


To perfectly sauté fish, preheat the pan and add a tablespoon of oil before adding in the fish. Remember, let the fish cook undisturbed until one side develops a nice crust before flipping. If your fillet is thin enough you can even take the pan off the stove a minute or two early as the fish will continue to cook on residual heat.


A steamer is a great investment if you’re into this method of cooking. And this is another method of cooking where you can season the fish with just about anything you like. To steam, fill water in a large saucepan and bring the water to a simmer. Then place the fish in the steamer above the simmering water. Be careful not to let the liquid boil, as it will cook the fish too quickly causing it to overcook.