A Chinese startup has announced that it will introduce wearable smartphones to the market by the end of this year.

The Moxi Group says their smartphone will have a flexible touchscreen, which will work perfectly even when you loop it and convert it to a bracelet or wristwatch. Like all other phones, it’ll also function when stretched flat.

The bendable phone uses the world’s thinnest material – graphene – which is also extremely durable, transparent and lightweight.

The prototype of Moxi’s flexi-phone has already been tested, and plans are underway to put the first 100,000 gadgets on the market in China by November 2016, each unit retailing for around $700.

The only drawback the bendable phone has right now, is that the display is in black-and-white. The color version, which the company says is more of a technological challenge to produce, will be available by 2018.

The bendable screen is a feature that other, better known giants in the market like LG and Samsung, have also been experimenting with, but their products cannot match the flexibility that Moxi is promising.