One thing you gotta love about Android is the amount of freedom it gives you to play around. You can virtually turn the interface on its head without compromising on the Operating Software’s capacity. And that’s exactly the feature to flaunt, when it comes to making your iPhone yogis feel the heat!

From WhatsApping your friends while YouTubing, to hacking your smartphone’s LED lights for notifications, the six apps below are guaranteed to introduce you to a power you maybe didn’t know Android had…

1. Muzeimuzei-promises-to-turn-your-home-screen-into-a-living-museumThis awesome application allows you to turn your smartphone into an art museum. You can select artwork from thousands of renowned artists each day and lighten up your home screen to the tune of Starry Night or The Scream.

2. AppLockunlock-your-phone-and-apps-with-your-face-and-voice-using-applock-facevoice-recognitionNo need to touch your screen to unlock it anymore. On Android you can simply access your phone using the face and voice recognition applicaiton AppLock. Is it secure? Applock features a nifty “liveness” feature that requires you to actually move your face, to protect against people tricking the system with a photo of you.

3. HoverChathoverchat-lets-you-message-without-stopping-what-youre-doingThe ‘Einstein’ of apps lets you continue conversations while simultaneously using other applications like watching YouTube. By resizing and deciding how transparent you want your messaging window to be, you can integrate your messenger into whatever you’re doing and multi-task.

4. Torrentsttorrent-allows-you-to-find-and-download-torrents-with-your-phoneLiterally. Download. Anything. Powered by Android…

5. AirDroidairdroid-makes-it-simple-to-share-files-between-android-and-your-computer.jpgSharing files between your computer and smartphone has never been easier. With AirDroid you can share hundreds of applications including images, texts, audios, notifications, etc. without having to actually plug-in.

6. Google Sky Mapgoogles-sky-map-makes-stargazing-fun-and-informativeWe save the best for last. Google Sky Map literally lets you stargaze while sitting in your air-conditioned room. By simply pointing your phone up to the sky you can browse around constellations beyond the ceiling.