It’s time for automobile bigwigs to be on the lookout because according to the latest reports the iPhone giant is investing more capital, recruiting better engineers and spending double the amount of time developing an electric car.

Codenamed ‘Titan’, Apple is rumored to be working on an electric car which has a ship date of 2019, according to The Wall Street Journal. Though the Cupertino-based company has yet to make any official statements, it has shown an expressed interest in the automotive sector by hiring triple the number of engineers with backgrounds in automotive and battery design, including recruiting from the Elon Musk-owned electric car company Tesla.

But it’s not just Apple, companies like Google and Uber are also in the process of developing autonomous and electric-powered vehicles. In September 2015, Google got former Hyundai CEO John Krafcik on board to run its self-driving car program.

According to analysts, Apple is a company with bulls-eye financial resources and a passion for design, and produce a game-changing vehicle, although some doubt this and believe it to be developing software for use in cars manufactured by existing companies.

Apple CEO Tim Cook’s recent trip to Germany was also reported on by media as he met with BMW. Reuters reports that BMW’s i3 electric car was the chief subject of interest for the Apple boss.