Chris Thompson is the VP of Sports Nutrition and one of the main members of the Muscle Militia. Chris is 42-years-old but is as strong and fit as someone in their early 20’s, all his workouts have one thing in common, GO TILL FAILURE. When Thompson was asked what that really means and how that has helped him in achieving his goals he said, “It’s difficult to figure out what going to failure really means. And it’s only through failure that we grow—literally, figuratively, and metaphorically.”

This is the 30-minute workout that will push you to your limit and really show you where you stand in the body building universe.

Total Body Militia Training

Bench Tucks – 1 set to failure
Calf Extensions – 1 warm-up set with 8 to 15 reps followed by 1 working set with reps to failure.

*these warm-up sets are essential to your training because in this regimen you are going to go really heavy and you need those muscle warmed up.

Abductor Machine – 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Hyperextensions — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Hamstring Curls — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Leg Extensions — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Squat Machine — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Pull-ups — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Seated Cable Row — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Dumbbell Bicep Curl — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.
Weighted Dips — 1 warm up set of 15 reps followed by 1 working set till failure.

The Rep range in this workout is lower than usual workouts, but that is because there is no time for rest in the whole routine. The only rest you are allowed to take is when you are moving from one machine to the other or stacking weights. The max amount of rest you can get is 30 seconds.

The whole routine takes just 30 minutes and should be done within 30 minutes, and I’m not the only one who can tell you this, there are professionals who can say the exact same thing. This will TEAR YOU APART! The question is… Are you up for the challenge?