A few years back social-networking giant Facebook faced a backlash in Pakistan against a backdrop of ‘socio-religious’ sentiments. Since then however, Pakistan’s internet users have shown that might is right. As of today there are reportedly over 10 million members on Facebook hailing from Pakistan with the number is only expected to rise.

During the 2013 elections, cyber-citizens took to social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook in an effort to create a ‘Naya Pakistan’, and these voices were millions strong. And despite the arrival of impostor social networks since, Facebook has remained the most popular platform among Pakistanis both domestically and abroad.

Many have attributed Facebook’s popularity to the social network’s user-friendly platform – so simple even technophobes can wrap their heads around it. According to local media reports, membership in Pakistan continues to soar at 7.7%, which equates to roughly 230,000 new users, every month.

With more than 5% of the population already registered, the people have spoken and the digital revolution is here!