Let’s face it unless you’re flying private, traveling makes for an exhausting experience. The heavy suitcases, the long check-in lines, the wait at immigration… I’m sure at one point or another, we’ve all caused the occasional delay at check-in counters around the world when one of our suitcases is flagged ‘overweight’, and we frantically trying to re-distribute our packing between other bags.

But technology is a wonderful thing… Perhaps designed with the Pakistani traveler in-mind, Brisbane-based TUL Thustrelie has developed a prototype suitcase with a built-in scale. Thus ensuring we never cause travel delays again!

The state-of-the-art carrying case will offer travelers unrivaled peace of mind when standing in line, waiting for our turn to check-in. Currently listed on the popular crowd-funding site Kickstarter as a project-in-waiting, the company are looking to raise 95,000 AUD to make this dream a reality.

According to the information listed on their page, “sensors are installed at the base of the suitcase while the electronics are installed inside the suitcase. This weighing function has incorporated the weight of the empty suitcase into its reading, eliminating the extra hassle for you. The weighing scale is powered by a rechargeable external battery pack.”

With the total funds raised currently standing at 14,221 AUD, and just 5 days-to-go before the end of the campaign, we hope in our heart of hearts that the Brisbane-based retail company are able to stay afloat.

Otherwise, our reputation as Pakistani travelers stands to get a lot worse…