If Fox News call it 'ridiculous' you can figure that the burkini ban doesn't bode well for the land of 'Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité'.
France may yet realise i...
From heartbeat to pulse, responding to rhythm is an integral part of being human - and if music is food for the soul, then no one deserves to go hungry.
In a h...
Men in Iran have invented a rather unorthodox, novel way to register protest. In a bid to speak up against the restrictive dress code imposed by the authoritari...
If you've been to Oslo, you'll surely remember the city for its beautiful and abundant green spaces. The reason for that is the Norwegian government's commitmen...
In the 'Land of the Pure', the marginalized, the disowned, the ostracized minorities hardly ever find anyone to champion their cause, and the least likely quart...
Violent street crime and gang wars may be what Lyari is known for, but the infamous Karachi locality is home to a grand football stadium and the Pak Shaheen Box...
Bankers beware of job opportunities in China. A video has surfaced online, showing Chinese bank staff standing in line and being spanked for not doing their job...
The people of a small village in Khaksabad in Punjab have taken the initiative and are doing what the rest of Pakistan has not been able to muster up the courag...
There may have been many 'closet gays' in the British royal family if stories are to be believed, but Prince William (who is not gay!) scored a first by address...
London's mayor Sadiq Khan has made good on a campaign promise to tackle an issue that troubles many parents, not only in the UK's capital city, but all over the...