Though the topic of drones is a particularly sensitive one for many Pakistanis, one cannot overlook their contribution to the world of photography. Nowadays, so many photos are captured by drones that someone created Dronestagram, an Instagram-like website dedicated to photos taken by drones. Dronestagram recently partnered with National Geographic, Kodak, and GoPro to host the 2015 Drone Aerial Photography Contest, where participants submitted some seriously impressive photos… Check out the judges’ top picks, below:11st Prize Winner — Category Places: Above the Mist by Ricardo Matiello21st Prize Winner — Category Nature: Snorkeling with sharks by Tahitiflyshoot


2nd Prize Winner — Category Places: Mont Saint Michel by Wanaiifilms42nd Prize Winner — Category Nature: La Jolla by kdilliard53rd Prize Winner — Category Places: Tulip Fields by Anders


3rd Prize Winner — Category Nature: Lost island, Tahaa, French Polynesia by Marama71st Prize Winner — Category Dronies: Where’s Wally, Limassol Carnaval by Flyovermediacy82nd Prize Winner — Popular Prizes: Plovidv by night, Bulgaria by Ice Fire93rd Prize Winner — Popular Prizes: Glorieto Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada, Mexico by Wootsor

Image credits: Dronestagram