It's not the first time a British movie icon has been tempted to cross the pond, but Daniel Craig will definitely be the first Bond to be inducted into American...
Universal Picture's latest biopic, 'Steve Jobs' is having a nightmare of a time at the Box Office. Rather unexpectedly, the film debuted at No. 7 on its opening...
In terms of cinematic releases, October has to be the biggest month of Hollywood’s 2015. A multitude of Academy Award possibilities hit theaters this month, whi...
Admit it, we're all held in thrall by James Bond; sneer we may at his misogynistic pride, emotional repression and violence prone adventurism, but secretly we l...
Ubisoft’s ‘Assassins Creed’ franchise is set for a live-action Hollywood adaptation. We already know a few details. It has been confirmed that Michael Fassbende...