There’s an old saying, “Rule a Kingdom as though you were cooking a small fish – don’t overdo it!”
It’s a fine line between perfectly cooked fish and fish t...
The consequences of overindulging your sweet tooth are easy enough to recognize. You'll feel as if you're buzzing with energy for a short period, but 15 minutes...
Oranges are arguably the most popular fruit across the world. From tiny mandarins originating from China, to clementines, kinoos and the coveted red-blood, oran...
King Charlemagne, who ruled much of Europe in the 8th Century, was such a fan of flaxseed that he promulgated a decree forcing all his subjects to include it in...
A native plant of Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, the bitter gourd (or karela as we know it) may be a vegetable we all love to hate, but it's actually loaded wi...
Weight-watching is something that all intelligent people do these days, regardless of whether they're over the recommended bodyweight for their frame or under.
Sometimes a nutritional bonus can come in a very small package, as is the case with pumpkin seeds. An excellent source of plant protein they're also treasure ho...
Everyone enjoys a little pre-workout snack but nutritionists say, it's more important to watch what you eat after you leave the gym.
Fitness experts recommend ...
In traditional herbal medicine, ginger is known as the 'magic stem' - a name it deserves as it's one of the most potent weapons mankind has been given by Nature...
The last thing you'd think of adding to your coffee would be butter but believe it or not, this combo is gaining more and more fans across the world, especially...