Bad news for fans of Top Gear (the brand anyway)… According to an article published in The Sun, the world’s once most-loved motoring show is in some serious turmoil.

From cars being crashed on-set and clashing egos, to the departure of the show’s executive producer and script writer last month, things seem to be going from bad to worse. The BBC is heavily invested in bringing back its most successful program on-air, following the firing of Jeremy Clarkson, and the departure of his co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May.

Even more worrying, however, are claims that the new production crew doesn’t actually know anything about cars. Fans of the show are now going to have their attention split between the Chris Evans-led Top Gear reboot, and the yet-unnamed Amazon Prime series starring the dream team of Clarkson, Hammond and May.

Amazon Chief Jeff Bezos has been very coy about how much the men are being paid, but was quoted in an interview saying they were “very, very expensive.”