Here at The Karachiite, we pride ourselves on keeping healthy and eating right. Actually, that’s a lie – we’re shameless gluttons who approach lunch-time as if it were our last meal! The benefit of this, however, is that we know food and have ended up sampling a large variety of Karachi’s many eateries. So on Monday while browsing online menus, we came across Eatfit, a health-food sandwich shop that does wraps and salads too. “Should we actually do this?” we asked ourselves. “Should we substitute delicious greasy biryani and indulgent rolls and zinger burgers for wraps and salads?” The menu looked interesting enough so we decided what the hell, let’s give it a go…

Their menu is pretty straightforward: salad section, sandwich section, wrap section; everyday items and desserts (smoothies, soups, fruit yoghurt etc). What’s interesting is that these sections are divided by the days-of-the-week. Half their items are only available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, while the other half on the rest of the days. I found that smart because it nudges the customer to try a variety of different items depending on what day it is.

Anyway, we ordered 3 potato salads, an Arabic chicken wrap, 3 roast beef with wasabi mustard sandwiches, one roast beef with onion relish, two spicy chicken sandwiches and a fruit yoghurt. All this came to about Rs. 1,830. Now you may be trying to figure out how many people work here based on how much food we ordered… remember, we’re gluttons, so good luck guessing!

With an estimated delivery time of two hours, we were quite happy when the food arrived in one. It was all packaged nicely in a custom brown paper bag, with individual containers. What’s pretty cool is that since each menu item is for a serving of one, they all come with individual calorie counts. That’s great for the health conscious as well as people following strict diet plans.

On the whole, we enjoyed our experience (so much so that we ordered again the day after that… And then today as well). The sandwiches were good across the board, with fresh multigrain bread and crisp vegetables. Our problem was with the roast beef and wasabi mustard sandwiches: we couldn’t taste any wasabi. We didn’t enjoy the wrap either; it was bland and the chicken-to-wrap ratio was dismal. The fruit yoghurt was refreshing and light with slivers of chocolate in it. The biggest hit, however, was the potato salad. We absolutely loved it! It’s not a difficult dish to execute but when it’s done well, it’s both delicious and comforting. It wasn’t your typical mayonnaise-heavy potato salad either – it was light and prepared in a yoghurt dressing with cucumbers and spring onions.

The next day, I tried the Asian brown rice salad. At Rs. 290, it was a healthy and satisfying meal for one. It had seasoned chunks of sesame covered chicken with carrots, bell pepper, baby spinach and onions. The peanuts and water chestnuts added great texture to the meal and their soy honey dressing was a delicious component that brought each element together into one delightful salad.

In a city that’s saturated with greasy fast-food, Eatfit is a great alternative that serves up quick and healthy meals that you will enjoy eating. And the fact that we’ve now ordered an Eatfit lunch three days in a row really speaks volumes for how highly we rate their food… Stay Fit Karachi!