Priyanka Chopra’s massive debut on American screens is a sight rarely seen for Bollywood actresses. Despite being an award-winning actress, former Miss World, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and a United Nations Girl Up Champion, her presence in United States was matte. However, an American TV series appears to be the exact spur she needed to thrust her career to the next level.
Debuted on September 27, Quantico is being lauded by critics and audiences around the world. The series sees Chopra play Alex Parrish, one of a diverse group of new FBI recruits, each with a mysterious past. As the show sifts between the past and present, Parrish is suspected to be a prime contributor in a calamitous terrorist attack in New York.
When asked about her character in the series, Chopra described it to CNN as “Jason Bourne in a female form.” She further added:
“This is an idea that no one has explored: taking a global actor, a global talent, and launching them in the American market. It’s new for all of us — ABC, me, everyone — it’s the new prototype. I guess we’ll find out what happens.”
Quantico is said to follow the same pattern as ABC’s hit series, ‘How To Get Away With Murder” which soared in ratings thanks to its suspense-riddled plot. Given the series’ viewership as solid as 7.1 million on its premiere, it was among the highest-rated pilots ever.