Over Memorial Day weekend in America, Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood had double cause to celebrate; he became a dad to not one, but two ‘perfect’ baby girls, twins Gracie Jane and Alice Rose. Incidentally, Wood’s third wife Sally Humphreys is just a tad younger than his oldest child.
Wood’s daughters arrived just in time as an early birthday gift for their dad, who will be celebrating his 69th birthday later this week.
Amazing though it is, it’s certainly not uncommon in celebrity circles to father children at an age where you could be mistaken for your child’s grandfather instead of dad.
Ronnie Wood joins an elite ‘older dad’ club that includes fellow singers Paul McCartney and Rod Stewart, actors Clint Eastwood and Robert De Niro, and media moguls Hugh Hefner and Rupert Murdoch — all of whom became dads well into their late sixties.
However, the legendary comedian Charlie Chaplin tops the list of elderly dads; his son Christopher was born when Chaplin was 73 years-old.