Mishaps (especially cussing) on live television make up for its otherwise drab, scripted programming. Last night, an American reporter working for an Alaskan news station quit her job in spectacular fashion, announcing “Fuck it, I quit” during a live television broadcast. I personally believe this is how everyone should quit a job they can’t stand.

In a news segment about the Alaskan Cannabis Club, reporter Charlo Greene, having grown weary of reporting the news, announced that she was in fact CEO of the club, and would be dedicating all her energy towards the legalization of marijuana and fighting for the freedom of its use in Alaska. In a jaw-dropping twist towards the end of the segment, Greene says, “Now everything you heard is why I, the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club, will be dedicating all of my energy toward fighting for freedom and fairness which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but, fuck it, I quit!”

According their Facebook page, “The Alaska Cannabis Club connects Medical Marijuana patients in need to Alaskan cardholders with green.” They claim to be Alaska’s only medical marijuana collective, aiming to become a dispensary that offers not only potent nuggets, but information on laws and public education regarding the use of reefer.

Following Greene’s gangsta mic-drop, her news anchor colleague is left in complete shock, almost unable to speak. If you can appreciate awkward silences, then this video is for you.

Amazingly, since launching a crowd-funding campaign on Indiegogo only LAST NIGHT, Greene has managed to raise $6,290 in 24 hours, surpassing her $5,000 goal. Who knew potheads watched the news?