I can’t stop looking at it. I just, I cannot stop looking at. I’m talking about this 20 x 30 photo I just had printed from an image taken on the new 50-megapixel Hasselblad H4D, and lemme tell you guys – It’s freaking AMAZING! The lighting, the tone, the quality, it may very well be the best photo I’ve ever taken.
Hasselblad’s H4D is the latest and greatest in the realm of digital photography. Now obviously I had high expectations from the H4D, after all, it is a Hasselblad. Karl Lagerfeld practically swears by them! One wouldn’t drive a Ferrari or an Aston Martin and expect not to be blown away by the sheer power they produce. But the fact that it would exceed even my highest expectations, this I did not anticipate.
The camera controls are easily accessible, the auto-focus: instantaneous, and the motor lets you to take a picture every SECOND. The sharpness of the images from the shots is flawless and actually, seemed sharper than shots I focused for manually. The H4D is built around a new digital camera engine that enables this increased sharpness. I read that the reason shots taken with the H4D come out unbelievable is because of a new Hasselblad technology called “Natural Color Solution”, a powerful new color profile they’ve developed to simplify the capture of typically troublesome subjects.
After spending just one day with it let me tell you the H4D is the most unbelievable camera on the market today. If you have a high-end clientèle who demand super-sized commercial images of only the highest quality, then make no mistake about it – THIS is the camera to for you!