The first name that pops into anybody's head at the mere mention of Sufism or mystic Islam is almost always that of Rumi... But the poet, who was born Jalal ud-...
'It's a once in a lifetime experience' according to the US News & World Report's 2016-17 survey, ranking the planet's best tourist destinations. The top pos...
The best known archaeological site on the South American continent is anything but boring. If mountain trails, panoramic views and peaceful retreats are your cu...
Nestled in rugged cliffs on the coastline of the Italian Riviera, Cinque Terre's visual effect is breathtaking. This colorful quintet of ancient villages - Cinq...
In the modern, 'free world', one would think that a passport and valid visa entitle you to visit any place on earth you want to explore, but there are still som...
It's that time of the year when you're back to work after winter-break and looking longingly at the June page of the calendar. Well, it's never too early to mak...
Nothing like winter to remind us that it's never too early to plan a summer holiday. Visions of lazy days under the Spanish sun will warm up even the chilliest ...
Guess where the next hottest destination for millions of tourists from all over the world will be? According to The World Travel Market report on Global Trends ...
Today is a day for MEN... Happy Men's Day Boys! International Men's Day is celebrated every year on the 19th of November in over 75 countries. Backed by UNESCO,...
Indian icon Shahrukh Khan, the face of Bollywood recognized around the globe, has given millions of his fans one more reason to celebrate. The megastar was toda...