Steve McQueen

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Jaguar Decide To Ressurect Vintage Legend

Though the automobile industry around the world is fueled by new product launches, listing their latest products as faster, better, and more luxurious, Jaguar h...

Five Classic Films Dad Introduced Us To

Whether you're a son or daughter didn't matter, if you're father was a film buff you can bet your a** that at some point during your childhood, he seized the op...

Steve McQueen; Making His Own Name!

Let’s face it… Getting into Hollywood with a name like Steve McQueen there’s already a pretty big shadow looming over you and you've got some pretty big shoes t...
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Solomon Northrup; the Unsung Hero

After directing smash hits ‘Shame’ and ‘Hunger’, Steven McQueen is back with his latest blockbuster film ‘12 Years a Slave’, an upcoming historical drama schedu...