Following 'Transformers: Age of Extinction', which released back in June of 2014, release dates for the next three films in the blockbuster Transformers franchi...
Seth McFarlane is behind the creation of one of the most funniest gross-out animated comedy series ‘Family Guy’. He also made his mark in Hollywood by voicing a...
Robert Downey Jr. is currently living every actor’s dream; earning millions of dollars a year without actually starring in any films. Forbes magazine recently r...
Oreo recently announced a global partnership with Paramount Pictures for the release of ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’, the fourth installment in the super-s...
Action-director Michael Bay returns to the big screen with the latest installment in super-successful Transformers franchise. The fourth film titled ‘Transforme...
‘Entourage’ Executive Producer Mark Wahlberg is taking the property to the big-screen next year, in what is perhaps one of the most hotly-anticipated films of 2...