Most of us have only heard of LED technology in the context of sleek televisions and mobile phone screens. However, research reveals that the revolutionary technology can now be used for another purpose… one that will interest women in particular! It has recently been discovered that LED (Light Emitting Diodes) can be used as a form of light therapy to treat a number of skin problems. The therapy procedure based on exposing the patient to lights in different colors is now being used in a number of spas around the world. It works by sending healing light into the deepest layers of the skin and unlike lasers, is completely painless.
The healing benefits of LEDs were originally discovered by researchers at NASA when they found that cells exposed to LED lighting grew 150% to 200% faster than cells that were not exposed to the light. Similar to the concept of color therapy that involves working with color to treat illnesses, LED light treatment makes use of different colors to target certain skin problems. For example, violet has an anti-bacterial effect on the skin and helps in zapping blackheads. Orange aids in lightening complexion while red stimulates collagen and reduces wrinkles. “Blue light works by killing bacteria deep in the skin responsible for acne and shrinks enlarged pores. There are no side effects of LED light therapy as such and there is no risk of burning or recovery time required,” says Dr. Shefali Trasi Nerurkaras reported by dnaindia.
The procedure of this skin treatment may not be as complicated as the name may suggest and all it takes is 15 minutes. The treatment is normally done after giving patients a traditional facial through which a skin expert can determine which particular light would work best for them. They are then exposed to the light fixed in a screen or panel that directly emits light to the face.
Considering the technology is still relatively new, it has yet to be introduced at commercial spas in Pakistan.