Salman Khan’s youngest sister Arpita Khan tied the knot on Tuesday, November 18th, with Delhi-based businessman Aayush Sharma. The grand ceremony was held at the royal Taj Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad. The event itself was destined to be immensely star-studded, with the who’s who of Bollywood in attendance joining the entire ‘Khan-daan’ in celebrations.
Salman Khan spared no expense in showering his newly-wed baby sister with wedding gifts. According to filmibeat, the ‘Bigg Boss’ host, in addition to footing the INR 40 crore wedding bill – including 2 crore to rent the Palace, gifted the pair a new home in the form of a 16 crore three bedroom terraced apartment located on Carter Road in Mumbai.
But wait… the gifts didn’t stop there! The King of Bollywood has now gifted the duo a 2013 Roll Royce Ghost – not a 2014 Phantom, as other media outlets have been misreporting.
The 2013 Ghost features a twin-turbocharged 6.6-liter V-12 engine, dishing out 563 horsepower and 575 pound-feet of torque. This engine is matched to an eight-speed automatic transmission that can accelerate the beast from 0-60 mph in about 5 seconds. The luxury sedan retails in America from about $250,000 to $300,000 depending on its options. Various Indian tabloids have been reporting its ‘Phantom-esque’ value, ranging from INR 3.5 crore to INR 5 crore, taking into account import tax and duty.
Arpita is an adopted daughter of the Khan family. Some reports allege it was Salma Khan who adopted her. Others claim it was Salman’s step mother Helen who found Arpita on a street while she was crying, and decided to take her home. Arpita was also in a two-year relationship with actor Arjun Kapoor when he was just 18 years of age.
In an dated interview with, Arjun said, “I was 140 kg, was assisting Nikhil Advani in Salaam-E-Ishq, and had a girlfriend, would party and felt my life was headed in the right direction, and felt sorted and thought that I would direct my film by 22, till she broke up with me and suddenly I was confused about what my future held for me.”
Big brother Sallu is all set to play host again, and will hold a formal reception for the couple on Friday in Mumbai, after which the lovebirds will be free to depart on their honeymoon to any exotic destination of their liking.