Guys be honest… Ever wanted to sport a little nail polish? Hey Johnny Depp, Russell Crowe, Seal, if they can pull it off why not you, right? Well saddle up boys, because now to can paint em and flaunt em, all for a “good cause.”

The Polished Man movement, started by Australian Elvis Costello, CEO of the YGAP charity, is encouraging men to take part in a campaign designed to raise funds and awareness about tackling causes of violence towards children, providing emergency care and ensuring recovery support for child abuse victims worldwide. From the 1st to the 15th of October, Polished Man is urging men across the globe to show solidarity with the cause and garner support for solving this huge social issue by painting one fingernail to start a conversation about it.

Costello is the son of World Vision Australia CEO Reverend Tim Costello. He started the movement two years ago after a visit to Cambodia in collaboration with Hagar International. At a care centre, Costello met a little girl, Thea, who played noughts and crosses with him and painted his nails blue, giving him the novel idea for his campaign.

According to UNICEF estimates, one in five children across the globe is a victim of physical or sexual abuse before reaching the age of 18. Most of the perpetrators of this violence are men, so Costello feels it is appropriate that men stand up and be counted as protestors, rescuers and fundraisers in this public awareness drive.

Many public figures have declared support and shown themselves as ‘Polished Men’, so should you decide to join in, you’ll be in the company of celebrities like Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin, Chris Judd and Sir Richard Branson.