It’s been a great year for Bollywood’s most loved Khan. Not only did Salman Khan celebrate his 50th birthday, he also gave his fans two great films to enjoy. ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ and ‘Prem Ratan Dhan Payo’ were blockbuster hits, earning critical acclaim as well as box office crores. On the personal front too, it was a year that took off a great strain from Salman’s mind. He was acquitted of all charges against him in the hit-and-run case that was hanging over his head like a Damocles’ sword since 2002.

His ‘Being Human’ Foundation has been doing well and garnering support too. Setting up this organization was the first step towards revamping Khan’s reputation at a time when he was facing a lot of criticism for being a spoilt brat with a reputation for acting brash and aggressive. The foundation provides free medical care and education facilities to under-privileged children.

While shooting ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, Khan won over the hearts of an entire village by a gesture that showed him as a true hero. He took his team on a day-long mission to a Hatluni village in Karjat, equipped with brushes and paint. Salman and the unit of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ painted all the houses in the village. He also brought gifts of saris for all the women and spent a lively afternoon playing football with the village kids. It’s a memory the villagers will cherish for a long time.

Whatever highs and lows Salman has gone through in his eventful life and career, his fans have stood rock-solid behind him, their love unconditional and unwavering. Like the persona and name of ‘Prem’ that he opts for in many of his movies, he inspires love, and that’s what keeps his fans flocking to the cinemas to see him. Like the organization, ‘Being Human’ is what Salman Khan does best, so in spite of his flaws, he remains a hero people can identify with and love.