Broadcasting giant BBC published yesterday its list of 100 Women 2015, celebrating the contribution they’ve made in shaping perceptions, raising social issues and fighting gender-inequality. Two gritty Pakistani women have made it to this list of world changers.

Muniba Mazari, 28, is a name that’s becoming more and more familiar on the Pakistani media and networking scene. She is an artist, writer, motivational speaker, and model. Muniba has been wheelchair-bound since an accident seven years ago that left her a paraplegic. Though she is anything but disabled; in fact she is super-enabled and a  venerable role model for today’s young generation. Her inner energy spills over in her vibrant canvases, her motivational speeches and even her modeling stint for Toni & Guy. There’s no holding back her dreams and aspirations and that’s what she wants for every Pakistani child.

To be picked at age 17 as an influential woman making a difference to global issues is no mean feat, but Ayesha Ishtiaq has achieved that honour. She’s a high school student from Islamabad who has caught media attention for her campaigns against the gender-inequality and sexism she sees in the world around her. Ayesha plans to get a degree in journalism and womens studies and make a contribution to Pakistani society.

The Gender Gap report published by the World Economic Forum puts Pakistan at the dismal spot of 144/145 in terms of gender inequality in the workspace. Although more women than ever before are stepping into the workforce of the country, the disparity between the salaries of men and women remains huge.

This is why we need more Munibas and Ayeshas to step forward.