Let’s face it, last night’s defeat at the hands of India couldn’t have made for a better wake-up call… It was brutal! But before we let emotions get the best of us, we need to remember that our Boys in Green still have five matches to get their sh*t together, and come back with their heads held high. It is in this spirit of #PakJazba that we bring you ten of the best quotes by our very own Captain Misbah-ul-Haq.

“It is very easy to point fingers at others sitting at home, but very difficult to play the game.” – Ooooh Misbah hits back!

“People don’t follow cricket. They ask me to play at the strike-rate of 150 and tell Shahid Afridi to play at a rate of 75/100 balls.” – The man’s got a point.

“There should be two players who score 75 per 100 balls, two who score 50 from 50, and if the rest score 75, you end up with 275.” – This is what you call ‘a Kaptaan’s strategy’.

“I’ve said it many times that everybody remembers the last shot of the WT20, but nobody remembers who brought Pakistan till the end.” – True dat!

“I have been criticized too much, but there are players in our team who have a lesser strike-rate than me.” – True dat!

“I am an average player, but even the great players don’t have an average of 42, with a strike-rate of 75.” – True dat!

“Call me ‘Tuk-Tuk’, and keep saying it, but remember I am the captain of Pakistan.” – Let’s be honest that’s a pretty badass line!

“Education is very crucial for a cricketer. You can express yourself and deal media well if you are well educated.” – Deal media well.

“The aim of a coach is to make his team win; ít doesn’t matter if he is a local or a foreign one.” – We standby the Captain on this!

“India vs. Pakistan is always tense, but it is never a war!” – Misbah you smooth talker youuu..

Source: Bolain Kya Baat Hai