Pakistan may have once been the land of the pure, but that image has since been tainted by greed, corruption, terrorism, target-killing and prostitution. The gap between the rich and poor keeps getting wider and wider, and a lack of opportunities affects millions of underprivileged men and in particular women, of our once great nation.

In order to support themselves, countless women have had to put their bodies on display for the pleasure of men willing to pay big bucks to pimps, promoters and boyfriends for ‘a little taste of heaven’.

In ‘Zunn: Showgirls of Pakistan’, producer Anam Abbas and director Saad Khan document the plea of these desperate women as they struggle to provide a better future for themselves and their progeny. According to their Indiegogo page, they state that “Showgirls of Pakistan is a documentary feature on the lives of dancing girls in Punjab, Pakistan. It unveils a world of Smut Theater and strip-shows in small towns and villages through the eyes of the women that are profited from but are never heard. These showgirls are managed by a violent mafia, pimps, boyfriends and promoters who regularly export them to the UAE club scene.”

The fearless filmmakers stand for free speech, truth and unveiling hypocrisy at a time when our nation perhaps needs it most. They plan to raise enough funds to complete the film so that “the world can hear these women’s stories”.

According to the latest reports, due to the bold and explicit scenes depicted in the trailer, the team was forced to take it down. Fortunately though, it quickly found its way onto YouTube and has since been reposted several times.

The ‘Zunn’ team requires funding mostly for post-production of the film. With 32 days remaining on their Indiegogo campaign, and a funding target of $25000, producers still have a long way to go from the $2543 that have been raised so far. We hope to raise awareness of their brave endeavor so the finished film can see the light of day, and the voices of these women can echo for eternity.